Van Tharp – The Power of Position Sizing Strategies

The Power of Position Sizing Strategies: SQN Secrets Revealed

This is a “hands-on” Elearning course more along the lines of an instructional “laboratory” rather than covering lots of background and “theory.” You will spend a good amount of your time in activities or exercises. The expectation is that you have a basic or intermediate understanding about SQN and position sizing strategies. This course will give you the direct experience to apply those concepts in order to improve your trading results.

Each section consists of a video lecture or exercises and the sections last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes long.

These are the main sections of the course:

The Power of Position Sizing Strategies

An Interview with Dr. Van Tharp

Creating Effective Trading Objectives

Understanding SQN

Developing Your Position Sizing Strategies

Intermediate Position Sizing Strategies

Simulating System Performance

Stepping Through A Simulation Process

Case Study Exercises


Bonus Section (on modifying the spreadsheets)

In addition, you will have access to 13 downloadable documents and spreadsheets. The documents include written instructions, checklists, and helpful reference information. The spreadsheets include useful reference data, system performance calculators, simulation tools, and position sizing strategy testing tools.

Author: Malcolm

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