Jon Loomer – Custom Event Mastery

Jon Loomer Custom Event Mastery

Learn the basics of custom events:
What Custom Events Are and Why They Matter
Setting Up Google Tag Manager
Setting Up the Base Pixel with GTM
Questions to Ask Yourself About Events to Create
Add Variables
The Basic Elements of Custom Events and GTM
Test Your Events
Learn exactly how to create custom events:
Internal Link Click Event
External Link Click Event
Time on Page Event (Simple)
Time on Page Event (Complex)
Scroll Depth Event (Simple)
Scroll Depth Event (Complex)
Referral Event
Embedded YouTube Video Engagement Event
Combination Event
Other Events to Consider
Parameters and Custom Conversions
Learn how to leverage these powerful events:
Custom Events and Reporting
Custom Metrics Using Custom Events
Custom Events and Optimization
Custom Events and Targeting

Author: Malcolm

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